simple 4 bedroom best modern house design
“simple 4 bedroom best modern house design” share with you some information about this drawing, you can know through this drawing how much land is required and how much it costs to build a four room house. Today I am going to share five house designs with you.
You will get to know about the following drawings through this report and each drawing will contain some information about “interior design” and furniture layout you can use to decorate your home.
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Table of Contents
32 x 37 affordable building drawing design

1184 sqft modern 4 bhk house plan design
Building costing & Esimating = 1184 x 1800 /-= Rs. 21,31,200/-

25 x 40 most popular house designs
Building costing & Esimating = 1000 x 1800 /-= Rs. 18,00,000/-

34 x 36 farm house type ghar ka design
Building costing & Esimating = 1224 x 1800 /-= Rs. 22,03,200/-

30 x 42 most valuable building drawing & design
Building costing & Esimating = 1260 x 1850 /-= Rs. 23,31,000/-